Course Information:

Course Description

This online training is provided by the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute (AHVNTI). Childhood trauma is at the forefront of early childhood services. You may have heard the term “ACEs” used in recent years at conferences and trainings. This online training will give you a more in-depth look at Adverse Childhood Experiences and explore how they pertain to the field of home visiting. Video segments and interactive activities are used to educate home visitors about the findings of the original ACEs research study, how ACEs impact early brain development, and about the negative health outcomes adults with ACEs may incur. Home visitors will learn skills to counteract the effects of ACEs on families as well as learn how to foster resilience in the families they serve. (MOD217) (Sept 2018/TR 9.2019)

Course Objectives: 

Upon completion of this training, home visitors will be able to:

  • Understand the implications of ACEs on health and well-being of children and adults
  • Recognize the impact home visiting can have on reducing the negative effects of ACEs
  • Understand that positive relationships are key to building resilience
  • Practice skills for reframing behavior and viewing home visiting with ACEs in mind


Online Instructional Design and Technology Specialist

Mona Scott, M.Ed.

As the Instructional Design and Technology Specialist/Application Systems Analyst, Sr for the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute Mona develops technology-based instructional and informational materials and interventions applying adult learning principles. In addition to producing online content, Mona also manages the LMS, Thinkific, for our learners as well as provide reporting for continuing education credits. Other duties include website maintenance, graphic design, virtual training producing, and event planning. Contact the Arkansas Home Visiting Network Training Institute by email at 📧[email protected] .

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