AHVN 2024 Annual Conference Block Registration and Payment Status Tracker

Search the list below to see the status of your request for a BLOCK INVOICE for this year's In-Person Conference on Thursday, November 14 and Friday, November 15, 2024.

*Individual Attendee Registration will begin around Sept 1, 2024

List is sorted in alphabetical order by last name of the payer. If you do not see your name on this list- please email [email protected] and she will assist you.

❓Submit your questions or issues to the AHVN Training Institute by filling out this form: https://airtable.com/app7cT8P5TLTiLUGj/shrOfxfke4PS3ZtI4

(This page last updated May 31, 2024)

Additional Information: Contact the AHVN Training Institute at 📧 [email protected]